Friday, September 26, 2014

Ukraine and Russia: Background

Right now, a lot is going on between Ukraine and next-door-neighbor Russia.  Following is a quick summary of the issues both countries are having with each other.

The president of Ukraine was Viktor Yanukovych.

Ukraine citizens wanted Yanukovych to sign the Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement, which was, in short, a European trade and political deal.
Vladimir Putin (Russia's president) advised Yanukovych not to sign this agreement.
    Russia actually BRIBED Ukraine with $15 billion and a huge decrease in gas prices.
    Ukraine is in a recession and Russia is Ukraine's main source of oil.
    As a result: Yanukovych didn't sign!

Protesters went NUTS.
  Anti-protest laws were immediately passed, followed by anti-government protesters that disregarded these ridiculous laws! Example: one law stated simple protesting in front of a government building would result in 6 years of prison!

Yanukovych promised it was his MAIN OBJECTIVE (on several occasions) to sign this Agreement, and he didn't! 

Putin did not want Ukraine to sign an agreement with Europe, as he wishes to regain influence over ex-Soviet states.  Europe clearly wanted Ukraine as an ally.

On January 22nd, February 18th, 19th, and February 20th of 2014 protesters expressed their outrage.

The protests transformed from a stand against Yanukovych not signing the agreement to a stand against political corruption and police brutality.
The result was 108 deaths and 1,419 injuries.  Police (led by Yanukovych) were reportedly the most violent, containing several trained snipers attempting to "cleanse protesters".
    The attempt to "cleanse protestors" is a huge state political crime.  The state is           illegally murdering civilians in order to maintain power.

A woman wearing a Ukrainian flag stands at a memorial for people killed in clashes with the police at Kiev's Independence Square
A woman wearing a Ukrainian flag stands at a memorial for people killed in clashes with the police at Kiev's Independence Square

Viktor Yanukovych fled Ukraine's capital of Kiev as protesters took over.

Yanukovych was then impeached for withdrawing unconstitutionally, being involved in a mass murder, corruption, and disregarded the constitution and laws several times!

     His impeachment did not follow the procedures of the Constitution of Ukraine.

Russia claimed Yanukovych was not properly impeached and condemned the new president and new government.  Yanukovych claims he is still president, but remains powerless.

Petro Poroshenko was elected the new president of Ukraine.  With him came a new government.  United States and Europe approves!

ukraine live blog

On February 26, 2014 Russia takes control of Crimean Peninsula.  Invading the country, taking over the parliament building, kicking out the prime minister and replacing him with a Russian politician, and replacing the Ukrainian flag at the parliament building with a Russian flag.  Photographed above is Vladimir Putin (center) and Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu (left).

    On February 28th, Yanukovych holds a press conference and calls on Putin to "restore         order" in Ukraine.

Crimea's population is majority Russian and Ukrainians make up the minority.  

On March 17th, Crimea declared independence from Ukraine and asks to join Russia.

     March 18th Crimea signed a treaty with Russia

March 27th UN claims this is ILLEGAL.

Crimea is internationally viewed as the Autonomous Republic of Ukraine as of 1991.  On April 15, Ukraine claims Crimea is a territory temporarily occupied by Russia.

On April 17th, Russian president Vladimir Putin confirmed Russian's involvement in Crimea.

     Putin says annexation of Crimea is "absolutely legal" and will NOT be reversed under            ANY circumstances.  Aggressive much?

ukraine live blog May 12th Donetsk and Luhansk secede from Ukraine, taken over by pro-Russian rebels.

Pro-Russian fighters battle Ukrainian supporters.  Many have died.

Russia halts gas sales to Ukraine, unless Ukraine pays in advance.  Being that Ukraine's main source of gas is through Russia, this is a big hit.

On July 17th, 2014 Malaysian airline MH-17 is shot down above Ukraine by pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine.  Putin made no effort to help the situation as these rebel terrorists tampered with evidence and would not allow investigations to continue.

    298 people died. 
    U.S. officials say pro-Russian terrorists shot down MH-17 by mistake, assuming it 
    was a Ukrainian aircraft.
   This is a huge oppositional political crime. 

On August 4th, Ukraine sends 100 troops into Russia, but were forced to flee.

Constant battling has continued until recently.

On September 5th, NATO announces they are prepared to intervene with 4,000 troops.

On September 16th, Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko signed the agreement with Europe, joining the Western mainstream away from Moscow.

Within the past week, Ukraine's president has talked of making agreements moving towards peace.  Possibly, allowing self-rule in Russian-occupied regions of Ukraine for 3 years.

Nothing is yet settled.
Today, the death toll in Ukraine exceeds 3,000 people.

Clearly several political crimes have been committed by Russia and Ukraine's former pro-Russian president Yanukovych.  Oppositional crimes have been committed by the pro-Russian rebels located in Ukraine.


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